Dominic Whiten Wedding Photographer Suffolk

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Becci & Lew | A Small Wedding at Butley Priory

Driving through the sand-dusted lanes towards Butley Priory, I’m suddenly struck by just how beautiful this part of Suffolk is. It’s been my home since moving my wedding photography business here from Kent back in 2012 and like anywhere, it's easy to take what's on the doorstep for granted. But today, on a February morning, I’m seeing the landscape anew. The first signs of spring are emerging, snowdrops on the verges and leaf buds starting to swell on the trees.

I’m also trying to work out just how long I’ve known Becci… In her role as manager of the registrars' office in Woodbridge, she conducted one of the first ceremonies I shot in Suffolk, eight or so years ago. Over that time, she must have met scores of photographers so to be the one she asked to shoot her wedding was a massive compliment.

Butley Priory is a venue which almost defies categorisation. Yes, it’s historic, but it’s also intimate, characterful and downright charming. Without fail, guests who’ve never visited before are slightly incredulous that this incredible building isn’t better known.

Here’s a selection of photos from the day. I was only with them for a few hours but this fitted perfectly with their plan for an informal and intimate celebration and goes to show that sometimes less is most definitely more.

If you’re planning your wedding at Butley Priory, I’d love to hear from you. Being based only a few miles away in Aldeburgh, I’ve been a regular visitor over the years and by booking me you’ll be supporting the local circular economy (click here to read more about my commitment to running a sustainable and environmentally aware wedding photography business)