Suffolk Back Garden Wedding | Jemima & Alex
Jemima & Alex had originally planned to marry in northern France but with travel restrictions (remember those), scuppering plans they instead opted for a glorious Suffolk back garden wedding.
An unexpected consequence of the last few years has been the number of small weddings I’ve been asked to shoot. Over the pandemic, lockdowns, restrictions and a health concerns left many couples reconsidering their plans and downsizing their celebrations.
Now don’t get me wrong, I still love photographing a big wedding with it’s multitude of opportunities for capturing all those candid moments which tell the story of the day. However, being a part of smaller, more intimate gatherings has been a really exciting experience and given a chance to explore shooting in a slightly different way. There’s way less opportunity to merge into the background, so instead a more confident and gently demonstrative (yet still respectful and tactful), approach is required. It’s been really enjoyable to adapt and shift mindset - plus after more than a decade of shooting wedding, I’m still learning new techniques. According to the proverb ‘Smooth seas do not make good sailors’.
At this point, I hear you sigh ‘Enough rambling on Whiten, what about Jemima & Alex?’ Well, this lovely couple contacted me to come spend a couple of hours photographing their wedding party out in ‘The Saints’ (an area of villages near Bungay all named after Saints). They’d done the legal bit at a local registry office and headed back to Jemima’s folks house for a relaxed afternoon of drinks, speeches and an evening hog roast. I’m pleased to report, it was a wonderful afternoon - happy, relaxed, friendly and just a little bit teary in places. Flipping perfect in my book.
Here’s a selection of photos from their day and if you’ve planning your own wedding in Suffolk (large or small), please do get in touch. I’d love to be part of your plans as well.