Building a Sustainable Wedding Photography Business

The climate emergency is something that we all need to take responsibility for. The individual choices we make today will have major implications for the generations who follow us. That’s why I’ve been looking at every aspect of my business, seeking ways to reduce its impact, build a forward looking, sustainable wedding photography business and be an active part of the circular economy.

Here’s where I’m at, the changes I’ve made plus some plans for the future.


Since way back in 2015, all my admin, bookings and billing has been done through a brilliant online service which removes the need for printed invoices and the like. The no-paper strategy is also being applied to my accounts and by the end of 2022 I aim to have a completely paper-free office (apart from the odd notebook).


It’s a given that I’m going to use the best quality cameras and kit. However, rather than upgrade to the newest, shiniest model each time there’s an update, my gear stays with me for quite some time. Instead of purchasing brand new, I look for refurbished or Grade-A secondhand kit from reputable sources. My preference is for actual bricks-and-mortar shops, thus supporting fellow small businesses who in turn, provide employment and generate wealth in their own communities.

My go-to shops for gear are the excellent Ffordes and Cambrian Photos for digital and West Yorkshire Cameras for analogue. Rest assured, although some of my gear may look a little worn and battered, it’s regularly serviced and continues to serve me well.


Like most professional photographers, I use Mac computers which, with the odd upgrade, can last for years. My laptop is a 2015 model and desktop from 2012. When they are finally unable to cut the mustard, they’re passed on to a Mac specialist for refurbishing and rehoming.


Early in 2021, I moved across to a new online gallery system which offers digital downloads. This means you have the convenience of downloading your photos direct from your gallery and removes the need to be sending out USB drives which can be easily lost or broken.

Your gallery is online for six months (plenty enough time to download and save your photos), after which time the photos are archived to save data and reduce energy hungry storage requirements.


Some years ago I switched from an Australian album company to a UK based printer and binder whose work is great. I’ll continue to work with them.

Looking forward, I’m researching changing the way prints are made and delivered. In my office sits a professional quality A3 photo printer which is currently under utilised. Paired with sustainably produced photo paper, I will be offering archive quality, inkjet prints. These will be slightly more expensive that the prints currently available through your online gallery but vastly better quality and not reliant on litres of traditional photo chemicals. Watch this space.


It’s an unavoidable truth that I’d struggle to do this job without a car. I have bags of kit and gear to lug, to mostly rural locations without public transport, often finishing late at night.

However, that doesn’t mean simply shrugging shoulders and not bothering to look for a better way. Where possible, I pledge to look for alternative, less impactful travel options.

If you’ve been to meet me in Aldeburgh, chances are I’ll have been on foot or pottering about on my trusty old blue Bobbin bike. Similarly, if your wedding is close enough for me to walk or cycle to, then that’s what I’ll do (on that note, I have two weddings in Aldeburgh during the next year which are close enough for this to happen!).

For more distant, out of area weddings, where practicable I’ll take the train and stay over. Coming up are trips to Bournemouth and London where this is happening.

‘What about all the other weddings?’ I hear you ask? Luckily, the majority of your weddings take place in Suffolk, normally within 30 miles of my home on the coast. For these I drive, using a car which does more than 50 mpg. In the future, I hope to change to either an EV or car which has greater fuel efficiency.


OK, so this is the big one... Like many photographers, there was once a time when I’d spend most weekends driving to weddings across the length and breadth of the UK. Some years clocking up 25k miles on the road. There would even be the odd flight abroad for destination weddings.

That’s a lot of carbon dioxide…

Given the current, drastic need for us to reduce emissions, I’m putting in place a couple of changes from June 2022 onwards. Firstly, no more work trips abroad. Lovely as a jaunt overseas is, it seems a bit nuts to sit on a plane belching tonnes of pollution into the atmosphere, only to take work away from a local photographer. To be honest, there are some incredible wedding shooters across Europe and it’s surely the sustainable choice to book someone locally based, with genuine local knowledge?

Secondly, also from June 2022 my fees will be increasing for weddings outside Suffolk. The extra charge will cover the cost of transport, accommodation and emission reducing mitigations. Prices for weddings in Suffolk will remain unchanged.

I’m fortunate to be recommended by most of the local venues (Easton Grange, Bruisyard Hall, Butley Priory & Helmingham Hall for example), all of which are just a short drive away and regular destinations. Each and every one of you who have booked me for these venues are making your own contribution to the local circular economy - thank you!


I’d love to hear from you with your recommendations for sustainable practices or thoughts on ways I can do things better. Drop me a line below.


RAF Wedding at Bruisyard Hall | Charlotte & Pete


2022 Availability